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Tondi Resto is known among nearby communities for its warm service, coziness, and delicious food. It's a place where people gather for lunch, to enjoy regular evenings, and to celebrate important events with family and friends. One thing is certain – we take care of you just as well as we would our own nearest and dearest.

The menu proudly features grilled and BBQ dishes. Head chef Tõnis and his kitchen team are practically in sync with the rhythm of meat, skillfully bringing out the best from the ingredients with flames, heat, and smoke. The result? Juicy and mouth-watering dishes! Despite what was just said, we haven't forgotten anyone, and we promise that both those who prefer lighter dishes and those with a sweet tooth will leave happily satisfied!

Our team operates with the goal of making you feel at home here, and when you leave, we want you to think, "wow, that was great!"


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